As taxpayers, we all pay for the efficiencies and inefficiencies of the Grid. It's your business!

TWEFDA is now investable and it's time to take the company to the National Phase of Europe, USA, Canada and China. In addition, we need to create a prototype for proof of concept and test it in a wave tank. These actions require £150K and need to be done as soon as possible.
The electricity grid needs to provide energy instantly.
While you sleep, the energy from the fast spin of the wind farms cannot be used but the energy
provider still needs to be paid by you, the taxpayer.
If you add an energy storage machine to the generator, both machines harm the Grid if their functionalities are not required at a particular time.
With TWEFDA's solution, both machines, generation and storage, underlay in one single piece of hardware that can switch its operation mode from generation to storage on demand, providing always only what the Grid requires.
The storage functionality comes with the creation of a pumped-hydro application in the middle of the ocean, with no environmental constraints, and with the creation of a small island that will, in turn, create an ecosystem associated with it.
In addition, and unlike normal pump-hydro applications, our development can benefit from the use of the tidal range to increase efficiency. In fact, our development brings a total of 4 machines in one single piece of hardware with 2 complementary functionalities of generation or storage on demand for each functionality.
Through the Crowdfunding Campaign
This is an opportunity for you.
In our campaign (https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/crowdfunding-your-own-future), you can contribute to obtain valuable courses that will guide you to achieve a future with purpose by creating yours or by sharing ours.
You can also choose to have dinner with the director at a restaurant in Aberdeen.
By acquiring shares
You can also buy shares of TWEFDA to make sure that you will not only benefit from the social and economic impact of our project, but also from the chance to own a part of our company when we raise in the first round.
We are creating an Advanced Subscription Agreement. This means that you invest in TWEFDA Limited today but, since the price of the shares have still not been allocated, you will only receive the shares when, in the future, the company does their round and is properly valued by the lead investor who closes the round.
In return for taking the additional risk of early funding, you will receive a 12% discount on the valuation applied at the next round.
We are offering a minimum of £1,000 investment that will be capped at £25,000.
After discussing with us on your intended involvement with future shares, we will give you directions on how to get them. Please get in touch at info@twefda.com
If you love the idea but cannot support it, you can always share the campaign with your network of contacts to open this opportunity to as many people as possible.
Money at risk disclaimer
Investing in TWEFDA involves both, a great opportunity as a result of the growing potential but also a risk.
Be aware of this and don't invest unless you're prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high risk investment and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong.